Diary, documenting about an unhinged man who has been stalking me for years

So I have a stalker, and on this page, I will be documenting publicly as much as i can about this psychopath, abuser, manipulator, sociopath, stalker who has hacked into my phones, computer and monitors my activities online. 

So there is an unhinged individual who has been stalking me for well over 10 years now, and on this page, I will be documenting publicly as much as i can about this psychopath, abuser, manipulator, sociopath, stalker who has hacked into my phones, computer and monitors my activities onlineThis man who has been stalking me for years (10 years or more ) is unhinged, a narcissist, a psychopath, a sociopath, simply an evil warped, low life individual (cant even call him human) as his behaviour and actions does not seem like someone who is called 'human'. 

He hacked into my phone(s) and computer and has been monitoring me for years. Can you believe someone actually stalking/monitoring another for years? This evil psychopath has been doing so.

He's originally from WA, has 2 brothers from what i know of him, and he surfs too. He has an instagram page where he has acted like a 'decent' person to his friends and family meanwhile hes committing heinous crimes behind the scene secretly.

From some of the information ive been gathering and people ive been speaking to, this psychopath was apparently initially hired to stalk me by my ex from WA. Looks like he was hired or had an alliance with to stalk me and this has been going on for over 10years likely. I only just found out about this recently and more info are still coming out.

So his name is  HEATH GERRARD, he's originally from Western Australia (WA), lives in Manly, and apparently says he works on the internet and socials, surprise? A cybercriminal, cyberstalker, that hacks into people's phones and computers, monitoring and shamelessly watching them for many many years, invading into others privacy with no consent, a creep who would not ever allow the same to be done to him, (but would reap all his many years of evil work back in 100 folds), creep who has no shame that even when he's caught he still continues to act with disregard and effontry.

This is someone who (probably) moved to Sydney from WA many years ago to keep stalking me. A psychopath has taken it to the extreme and he now seem to have a weird and strange obsession with me, what i do and where I go.

Imagine not knowing for years that you have a stalker. He blew his own covers when he couldnt control his impulse (and when God would expose him) in 2021 december by sending me a message on Hinge.

I didnt know who he was at the time as i said he pretends to be a decent person publicly (but uses fake profiles for his criminal activities), and we met twice and he seemed normal at the time (all an act of a psychopath) and then i looked him up on instagram and from then many things began to unravel. 

Initially i thought this was a normal, sane person not knowing he met me to try and cause havoc. (but God did actually expose him) Even when we stopped talking (started noticing many strange things on his instagram, past addictions, his actions etc, the red flags started to pop up everywhere. I eventually would try and distance myself from him (all these while not knowing exactly who he was) after his many manipulative, toxic, warped behaviour. 

The time i started to distant myself from him was when he started acting like a maniac. He would lie to his friends, have them attack me on social media, have them post disgusting photos and do all sorts of toxic things just because he think that would 'hurt' me 🙂.

He was basically focused on 'hurting' me. Thats what he lives for 24/7 a day. Imagine having such sad life that your priority is actually stalking another person 24/7 a day. following them everywhere online and even offline (hiring people to stalk me physically) by the way i have evidence of all the people he sends to stalk me. I see each and everyone of them and i have been compiling lots of photos and notes for the right departments.  

I thank God, papa, mama, and the strength God has given me because i never faltered. Even when he thought he would break me, God was there and held me up and i was even stronger than ever. Imagine someone decdicating his life to try and break another down simply because this person is an evil human being who does not have any human feeling inside of him. He is devoid of inner joy, true emotion (he even admitted once that he's an 'emotional manipulator') and he seemed proud of it too, SMH. He even admitted he's devoid of happiness, only wants to see others hurt, sad like him. He admitted he's envious, jealous, has a lot of issues etc. Some people really are truly evil. This is someone who thrives ONLY on trying to hurt others. It baffles the mind how someone can live their life day in day out for over 10 years literally stalking another, trying to sabotage them and trying to cause a lot of issue for another. This is the kind of person / people you see on documentaries, the psychopaths and sociopaths whose life is filled with doing evil, committing crimes and truly despicable things to even begin to write about. There is no normal human being who would do such a thing except those who live for evil and only thrive in evil deeds, and their evil deeds shall indeed  always return to their heads in as much as they keep at their evil ways.There is. a lot more i can't write online but have written for the right department to peruse and see.

All the stalking for many years, all the monitoring my phone computer ILLEGALLY accessing my photos, bank details and personal infos, all the pages i visit how some weirdos would leave comments after i leave comments, i used to wonder back then who this unhinged insane person was but chucked it as those 'crazy, weird' people you see on the internet and should just ignore, it all now started to make sense that he was behind it all. For someone to think they have the audacity, the right or the boldness to monitor another's phone and computer, watch their private activities, read their personal stuffs, listen to their private and personal calls is a crime, its illegal and I have been compiling more than enough evidence to go along with this crazy individual's actions. 

I even made some very popular videos on lions back in 2020, still have those on youtube its called 'Misfit lion cub" his story and there were a few comments that were just very negative and off on the video, and i thought whoever was leaving those comments back then was definitely not ok, even other commenters noticed it, and it all dawned that it was this same stalker all along who has been doing all those things back then.  And it didnt stop at the pages i visit. It didnt stop there, he monitors my phone and computer to see what activities i do, what sites im on and the applications i make, and he creates fake profiles and sends multiple messages and commits other criminal acts. I even signed up on ETSY recently and this unhinged individual sent a fake email right after i signed up and said there was a sale and he directed the link to a chat page where he was actually asking me to enter my credit card details, and even boasting about how he's scammed people of over 40k on that day! (when i said i knew who he was) He is literally a scammer too, a fraud, a thief, not only an abuser, a stalker, a narcissist, he steals and scams too. 

He uses fake accounts to purchase my items on ebay and then try to retract the purchase, and when he opened a case with ebay (saying it wasnt as described, when the description clearly shows what it is), ebay saw right through his scamming, fraudulent lieing self and closed the case in my favour, and he left a long babble of negative review on my page (which was the intention to begin with). This is to show what a sad pathetic individual this person is. Everyone that hears these stories are boggled and just cant believe that someone actually goes to all these (not only exhausting extent for himself) but extremely stupid meaningless pathetic embarrassing length for whatever reason. it just seems like he knows hes now a laughing stock and his actions can be seen by many now, and I don't care anymore. When you see someone for who they are especially someone who behaves in a way that normal human beings don't, you do NOT bother with such people anymore, you just see them for who they are, you know. Its quite embarrassing too.

He even went as far as (for a few years) copying every name i use on my youtube channels and changing them slightly and literally copying how i do my videos or the names and style i use. He was literally a psycho, obsessed weird strange person that i often wondered who this person was at the time. Cause he hid his identity at the time and i didnt know who it was. He would pretend to be asian atimes, or indian at other times, even african some other times and would take on personalities of any race he wanted and the fact that he uses lots of these innocent people's identities to commit a lot of crimes and people close to him are not clued in on his crimes. 

He also created lots of fake profiles on social media, sells fake profiles, has fake profiles on dating apps, hinge, bumble, POF, eharmony, Tinder, you name it he creates fake profiles on them, and guess why. He uses them to stalk women and try to cause disturbance for them or their potential to meet real, sane, normal men with integrityy. Even when he claimed and ranted about having a girlfriend, he still stalked me 24/7, non stop. imagine someone who actually is in a relationship who is so focused on another person that has nothing to do with him. Thats the sad pathetic life this individual lives. When he's in a relationship, he still stalks me and probably other women too. Its just crazy to think about. And the right organisations have explained this type of person. This type of behaviour that he exhibits, and the issues that this person has to be behaving the way he is behaving.

He has been stalking me on dating apps for years and it all started to unravel the weird profiles, the fakeness, everything all started to make sense. And even when he realised hes been exposed, he wouldnt stop. He keeps stalking me, every single day literally 24/7. He also probably has losers and low lives like him with no decency or integrity who work alongside him. I dont know any decent, normal person with integrity who would cohort with this psychopath, which is why i dont bother myself with his antics anymore. Anyone that he can use or have do his low life dirty work with him has to be equally low level non decent person with no integrity. 

He sent a low life like himself to stalk me recently when i went to buy something at a shop, the stalker was waiting outside and spoke to me when i got out, i knew already and gave him my number and then he started to call me for over 20 times, i did not pick up his calls, and he would call me at certain times (can you call it stupidity?), if it wasnt pathetic it would be laughable because of the stupidity of these people. I obviously sent all the info to the police and to the organisations to add to their records, cause i knew who it came from.

These are some of the things this stalker does. He goes to the extent of creating websites and trying to hurl insults at me when i couldnt even care less. It got to obvious that he became a joke,he goes to the extent of going on my 'country''s movies page to post comments on videos i watch, sometimes he would attack my country, insult it, sometimes he would write comments as if he's actually a normal person. This is someone who is so unhinged that this has become his daily life, what a sad life too, that what i do live in his head 24/7. Even when he's 'apparently' travelling, hes still stalking me.

I thank God for how i was raised me and the strength God and my parents instilled in me, most importantly the love of God they put inside me. God has been SO FAITHFUL.,SO SO FAITHFUL. Through all these God has been exposing this psychopath to me, right from the beginning, God hasnt stopped exposing him. I didnt take too much of what God was showing me serious at the time but it all started to make sense when The Lord began to unravel much more, so much more. Right from the beginning God has been exposing this individual and He hasnt stopped exposing him. God's got my back 100%. How faithful is The Living God. When He says "I look after my own, he means it, and when The Lord says He will never leave nor forsake me, He means it too.

This stalker continues to stalk me to date, invading my personal space, privacy and continuing to commit crimes that he will be later charged for. He hacked into my phone and computer and has continued to stalk and monitor me for many years, literally all the time. He would expose himself sometimes by posting some crazy videos on youtube about how he cant stop stalking me, how he is a sad miserable person who has no true love for anyone in his heart, how his life sucks so he's trying to make other' lives suck too, how he has been a bad person for a long time, how he is an emotional manipulator who does evil day in day out, how he has no genuine empathy for anyone, how he manipulates others to do what he wants. He's such a low life attention seeker who is extremely miserable in his life. He is devoid of happiness, or anything meaningful that he can actually do to fulfil his time or day. The stalking and toxicity that he engages in are his comfort zone, because the devil uses him.

This stalker would create spam mails and send multiple spam mails in random. He has even submitted my emails to spam sites, at a time he created a profile on an adult site and added my phone number on it. Keep in mind this was a new number i had that i did not give out to him but he somehow knew the number because he has hacked into my phone and computer. he submitted the number to adult site and i was getting these strange calls, one of the people sent me the screenshot of the ad on the adult site and also advised me to report this person. when i told them it was not me who created the profile. I reported him to the police who have added it unto their record that they already have of him and have asked me to keep taking more evidence which will be used against him at a later date. Ive gone to the police station and they are monitoring him. 

He even sees my photos since hes hacked into my phone and computer, when i take new photos, he goes crazy and start stalking me, or writing some weird things or simply doing weird crazy things. I started to post PIG PHOTOS since i attribute him and his evil cohorts to pigs.I would open many browser tabs on my computer and open youtube to find pigs dancing and would leave them on sometimes for weeks at a time. Since he enjoys stalking me phones and computer, he and his lowlife handlers might as well have fun watching pigs dancing 24/7.

His family and friends will eventually be told what he is doing. People have asked me why i havent reported him to them yet but sometimes its best to wait for the evil one to fall into the hole which he's dug for others, which is what I believe is going to happen to this stalker. Sooner rather than later he will fall into the hole he has dug, its a deep hole and he will fall into it himself because God will cause him to. I see a lot of what he does because God is faithful. I know a lot of what he does because God is faithful. So much i can write but i will keep that part for a later time.

This is his way of life, the toxicity and negativity is this individual's way of having some relevance. Its sad for him and he doesnt see that, he thinks hes doing something vengeful, he thinks hes fighting someone, maybe hes been bullied in the past, maybe hes been in relationships where they ve beaten him down maybe he has always known toxicty in his family. who know. I dont know and i dont care quite frankly. All I know is that as long as The Living God lives, this individual will pay for all the evil deeds he has done, each and everyone of them

Apparently he's threathened by me. By my light, by my confidence, by my positivity. He can't understand how i do it. He wants to have the same but he cant and he wont because he's a hate filled evil person who has no genuine care or interest for anyone as his sole aim in life is to 'up' others, to boost his fragile tattered ego and low self esteem by trying to harrass others to try and intimidate them, but he has picked the wrong person to intimidate cause he obviously doesn't know I thrive when losers and haters work tirelessly in vain to try and bring me down. That's when God holds my hand and I thrive more and more. The Living God has me right in the palm of His hands, and haters and stalkers don't know this and they will never get it 😌😊. I know who I am in The Lord.

This is a 45 year old man stalking, monitoring my phone, computer 24/7 so he probably started when he was around 30 or somewhere then. Imagine the WASTE OF HIS LIFE,  the amount of hate he's filled his life with, amount of spite he's filled his existence with, amount of bad karma he has racked up for himself, amount of destruction hes caused in his own life because of hate, because of envy because he can;t stand to see another thrive, he cant stand to see another be happy and content without pressure, without all the vanity and materialistic nonsense that he chases but still does not and will never bring him any happiness or fulfilment.

He has had to endure so much punishment by not being able to fully enjoy his life because all he thinks and dreams about is stalking, harrassing, causing negativity, thats what his life and world revolves around. How can a person have a happy or fulfilling life when they stalk and try to cause havoc 24/7. Even if they do their yoga thing and calls for peace, they are only fooling themselves because their heart and life is filled with evil. He lives and breathes it. And he has the gall to call himself a 'counsellor' and has apparently registered himself with ACA. Who is he counselling? Counselling people on how to be extremely toxic, evil, warped? I feel sorry for those poor people he's counselled. 

He tries so hard to cause havoc and negativity everywhere he goes and it always all FALL BACK ON HIS HEAD, his evil deed always return to him 100 folds, ALL THE TIME. and it will continue to be so for him and those around him who he's also using to carry out his evil deeds. 

Most people when caught doing shameful disgusting things they stop, but not this one. He seems to revel in his shameful behaviour. I will forward this website and all his shameful acts to his family unless he desists. A 45yr old man who has no shame, no decency, no regard for others. I wonder how he would feel if someone was stalking him for years. The coward that he is, I bet he would go to all stops to make sure its stopped but he thinks its okay to do it to someone else. 

When someone tells you to leave, you leave, when they tell you they want nothing to do with you again, you leave them the F' alone and  gather some integrity, self worth or self esteem and stop bothering them. He's only showing himself as a creep, a weirdo, someone who doesn't have any self esteem, self worth or self awareness. The world is a beautiful. and large space God created it for everyone to move around freely and there is no reason you think you can disturb other's peace or keep hounding them day in day out

He may think hes doing all this evil things quietly or behind the scene but he will be exposed to the world. Ive warned him to stop, to desist to move on, to leave, to get a life, but he refuses and the consequences on him, he would have to bear it. When people say get away from them and you do not go, you better be ready for the consequences. Get a life, fuck off, leave others alone especially ones that want NOTHING to do with you again. 

You stalk someone for over 10years and you think thats normal behaviour? You are 45yrs and has been stalking well since you were in your late 20's or 30's yet you dont think you need to get a life and grow up and find something worthwhile to do with your life. You think you are funny, stalking people, acting like a fool and a loser, making a fool of yourself to everyone to see what a low life loser you are. 

That is why they say money doesnt make a man, money doesnt give you happiness, neither does it make you rich or wealthy. A true rich and wealthy person is rich within, is wealthy from the inside, from the way they carry themselves the way their integrity cuts across all sectors, the way they live their life when no one is looking or watching. That is true luxury, that is true wealth and true opulence. Money isnt it. You could have money and lack basic class or manners, and even lack happiness or fulfillment and this one shows himself as such. He claims to come from a 'privileged' family yet he's a low life who behaves like someone who comes from a crime slum. 

True privilege is having integrity, being a decent human being and actually being the same behind closed doors as you are in front of people. Privilege is not being two face, being evil behind closed doors, trying to hurt others, and living a criminal lifestyle.

heath gerrard, Manly, (from WA), Australia, GET OFF MY PHONE, GET OFF MY COMPUTER, stop stalking me, if you actually have a life, go try and live it. Stop monitoring my activities ( i dont monitor you cause i dont care ) stop stalking my movements, i owe you nothing and want nothing to do with you, and you have absolutely NO RIGHTS to do what you are doing. You will reap all your evil works in 100 folds and more. Every evil thing you have done to others behind the scene, you will reap it back in 100 folds in Jesus Mighty Name.

Leave others alone, its not your place or right to invade other's space, their privacy or monitor their movement. Its never ever your place and the effrontery you have to actually continue to do so when they know and when many others know including the police. STOP STALKING ME !

Will keep updating this page as needed. 

About Awesome Tips Author

I have a Bsc Degree in Psychology. I apply God gifted skills and the Psychology Degree gained to give advice when relevant.